Thursday, May 24, 2012

Cocktail Cupcakes

Strawberry Margarita Cupcakes. My cousin Lauryn asked for these for her birthday party last weekend. She had tagged me in a pinterest pin as a hint months before. Strawberry lime cupcake with a strawberry lime buttercream. They turned out pretty tasty.

Pina Coloda Cupcakes. These were also for Lauryn's birthday. It is a coconut pineapple cake with coconut buttercream and I topped it with a pineapple flower. I had seen these flowers on pinterest and knew they would be perfect for these cupcakes. When I went to the site to see how they were made it was in chinese and even after translating it didn't really tell you how it was done. Luckily I know a little bit about food and cooking that I was able to figure it out. I didn't think they would taste all that good but my aunt loved them. Really they are just dried pineapples but really pretty. 

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